Monday, September 15, 2014

Samples, Samples, Samples

A large selection of samples is now available on The BRIDGE Bible website. There is a new page called "Examples" which has several small demo files (2-8 pages, generally) showing some possible "editions". There is another section that provides some further examples using the entire book of Philippians, under "Products". These are designed to show the flexibility and potential of The BRIDGE Bible for serving a wide variety of purposes. Please use the information located on the "About" page to provide comments and feedback. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Formatting Fixes & Enchancements

Corrected and added several formatting features, such as converting endnotes (text notes) to footnotes when footnotes aren't used and removing bold font and tabs from footnotes when only one footnote is being used. Also fixed WEB poetry and restored 2 column option. These are subtle but significant improvements, factoring into new examples.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Brochure Created

There is a new tri-fold brochure posted on the Home page of the website (under "Downloads") which provides a simple, one-page, two-sided overview of The BRIDGE Bible features.